BA is short for Bounty Apprehenders.
This a rather new clan with an obsession for Bounties and Bounty Hunting.
Lets break the words down shall we.
According to Mr Google here:
- Generosity; liberality.
- Abundance; plenty.
- Arrest (someone) for a crime.
- Understand or perceive.
So, therefore the Bounty Apprehenders generously arrest people for their crime.
In other words, if they spot someone with a bad ass on the bounty list, they will gladly give a spanking until they come of the bounty list.
Notice the bad ass locate at the bounty list.
That is a must must must to target!
Well you can also find some BA clan members on the bounty list.
How do I join BA clan?
To join you will need to be recommended by one of the existing BA clan members.
Friendly and easy to mingle with.
[BA]Alv : Singaporeans and Girls
[BA]兔妈: Rabbit lovers
[BA]Royalmon: Glasses geek fetish
[BA]WJ: Tattoo lovers/ Long haired guys
[BA]Asura: Fan of Kelvin x Ikaros
Then the clan members will discuss it among their group.
If you are accepted, you will be brought to a special chat room.
So, go make friends.